I, the foreword: millet bracelet into the most popular single product 14 people have 1 person wearing millet bracelet

Among the many wearable device products of millet, the category of millet bracelet is undoubtedly the hottest existence.

The data released by Xiaomi in 2022 shows that the cumulative sales of millet bracelets reached 140 million, which also reflects the data behind the compact size, easy to wear bracelets, perfectly tailored to the user's needs for health, sleep, exercise and multi-directional monitoring.

The introduction of blood oxygen heart rate monitoring of millet bracelet 6, the new upgrade of the sports mode of millet bracelet 7, can be used as a game controller millet bracelet 8, each generation has its own unique selling points, which is millet through continuous innovation, to respond to the expectations of users.

In previous years, after the release of new bracelet products, they can all realize a million-level shipments in a short time, and this data also supports the influence of the millet bracelet as soon as the new model is released, which is the explosive model.

With the annual millet conference coming, millet brought this new millet bracelet 9, on the basis of the original, and ushered in several major upgrades:

First of all, thanks to the upgrade of the sensor, so that the accuracy of sleep monitoring is improved by 7.9%, and the accuracy of heart rate detection is improved by 16%.

Xiaomi Band 9 Review

II, the battery life is improved, on the basis of the previous generation of products that already have a large screen with high brightness, the battery capacity of the Xiaomi Band 9 comes to 233mAh, allowing the battery life to be extended from 14 days to 21 days.

As well as the vibration sensation is also improved, replaced with a linear motor, which brings a more delicate vibration effect.

There's also higher brightness, an aluminum alloy center frame, and more.

Next, let's take a look at the performance of this Xiaomi Band 9.

Xiaomi Band 9 Review

Second, the appearance: brightness up to 1200nit monitoring module upgraded to dual-lamp single PD

Xiaomi Band 9 Review

Xiaomi Band 9 in appearance, the same continuation of the classic runway form design, with 2.5D screen cover, the screen is 1.62 AMOLED screen.

Xiaomi Band 9 Review

Although the external changes are not big, the brightness of the screen is directly doubled, upgraded from 600nit of the previous generation to 1200nit, which ensures that the text content on the bracelet can also be clearly viewed outdoors, and at the same time, the continuation of the previous generation of the under-screen ambient light sensor, the bracelet can automatically adjust the brightness of the screen display according to the strength of the ambient light, to enhance the user's viewing experience.

It is worth mentioning that the internal use of the new Hengxuan technology BES, the improvement of storage space specifications (PSRAM 16MB, NAND 256MB), with a refresh rate of 60Hz, global dynamic effects, so that when sliding the bracelet is more fluent.

Xiaomi Band 9 Review

The monitoring module of Xiaomi Band 9 has been upgraded from the previous generation's PPG single-light single PD to a PPG dual-light single PD program, and the PPG translucent window has been eliminated from the Fresnel pattern, which makes monitoring more accurate.

A light set is composed of a red light, a green light and an infrared light. Among them, the green light is for measuring heart rate, and the red light + infrared light for measuring blood oxygen, in which the infrared light can simultaneously detect whether it is in the wearing state or not, and after upgrading it to a dual-light, it can increase the accuracy of the sleep monitoring by 7.9%, and the accuracy of the heart rate detection by 16%.

At the bottom are two charging electromagnetic suction contacts, and at the top and bottom of the bracelet are two quick-release clasps, which make it easy to remove and replace the wristband with just one press.

Xiaomi Band 9 Review

Detail of the snap after removing the wristband.

Xiaomi Band 9 Review

Side glance, the thickness of the Xiaomi Band 9 is at 10.99mm, and the middle frame is made of aluminum alloy, with matte sandblasting + CNC process, which is another level in texture than the previous generation of plastic middle frame + metal spray paint.

Xiaomi Band 9 Review

The wristband of the Xiaomi Band 9 we got is made of fluoroelastomer, and it's worth mentioning that it also maintains a high degree of compatibility with the Xiaomi Bracelet 8.

If you have other wristbands that you like better on the Xiaomi Band 8, you can directly switch to the Xiaomi Band 9.

Xiaomi Band 9 Review

We also received running pods, which can be installed on the shoelace during exercise or used as a hanging ornament.

III, the sleep function experience: cooperation with professional sleep organizations to bring more accurate sleep monitoring capabilities, fun sleep animals

Thanks to the upgrading of millet bracelet 9 in the hardware dimension and software dimension, and with the exclusive strategic cooperation with the North Medical Third Hospital, scientific research cooperation around the direction of sports health, and brought the sleep apnea monitoring function.

At the same time also reached a cooperation with the China Sleep Research Society, can provide users with more professional sleep advice, as well as cooperation with the China Association for Standardization, joint development of sleep accuracy monitoring standards now.

With the endorsement of these authoritative organizations, thus allowing the millet bracelet 9 in the sleep monitoring professionalism, has been qualitatively improved.

Xiaomi Band 9 Review

On the Xiaomi Band 9, you can view the sleep data of the day, including deep sleep, light sleep, REM, the number of waking times, as well as the average heart rate and average blood oxygen information, and you can view the sleep data of the day without APP.

The Xiaomi Band 9 accurately records the time from the time I fell asleep to the time I woke up, and if you want to further view what level you are at, you need to view it on the Xiaomi Sports and Health APP on the mobile terminal.

Xiaomi Band 9 Review

In the millet sports health APP can view the sleep score, as well as the average heart rate, average blood oxygen, average respiratory rate, to see whether the sleep is in a reasonable range, and give a very intuitive interpretation and recommendations.

According to the sleep of the above chart, the evaluation given is that the quality of sleep is not good, with a short sleep duration, an abnormal ratio of deep and light sleep, and a late fall asleep time.

Xiaomi Band 9 can further give the interpretation and advice to improve sleep, and at the same time will intuitively speak of the consequences of long-term poor sleep will occur.

Xiaomi Band 9 Review

Sleep data can be expanded to a full-screen state, where you can view more clear sleep data, but also contains blood oxygen, heart rate, so that users can have a clearer control of the physical condition of the body when falling asleep.

PS: Sleep duration is affected by various factors, so 6-10 hours is a reasonable range.

According to the sleep structure, it can be divided into wakefulness, light sleep, deep sleep and REM phase alternating once is called a sleep cycle, lasting 90-120 minutes; there are about 4-6 sleep cycles in a night, connected with each other, week after week.

The cycles are interconnected and occur week after week.

In terms of overall sleep percentage, light sleep is 20-60%, deep sleep is 20-40%, REM sleep is 10-30%, and waking up during sleep is normal as long as the duration is less than 20 minutes.

For users who have the habit of napping, 10-20 minutes is the ideal length to restore energy and not feel sleepy.

There is also the average rate of breathing that can only be viewed on the mobile app.

Xiaomi Band 9 Review

Xiaomi Band 9 also added a sleep animal play, you need to wear it for 7 nights to detect the user's sleep behavior, and for the analysis to determine what kind of animal you belong to.

For example, the brown bear with healthy sleeping habits, the shark that sleeps late and sleeps little, and the owl that sleeps late and intermittently, etc. Animals that basically cover the different sleeping habits of modern people, adding a certain degree of interest.

Xiaomi Band 9 Review

After generating out the sleep animal, it will generate a more detailed sleep insight report based on your sleep habits (the above figure is an example), which can be based on your usual sleep habits to see your recovery of energy, and whether you can cope with the pressure of daytime work and study.

IV. Health monitoring and exercise functions: support for 24/7 detection 10 new wrist running courses

--Health function

Xiaomi Band 9 Review

The most core function of the bracelet, in addition to monitoring sleep, can also realize all-weather heart rate, blood oxygen, pressure monitoring, through the dual-lamp single PD, so that the accuracy rate has been improved.

Xiaomi bracelet retains the ability to detect atrial fibrillation of the heart, and when an abnormality is detected, it will send a vibration reminder, so that users can pay attention to and deal with it in time.

--Sports function

Xiaomi Band 9 Review

In terms of sports needs, Xiaomi Band 9 provides up to 150+ sports modes, supporting indoor and outdoor cycling, running, walking and other sports modes, and 10 new wrist running courses, which only need to be initiated by the cell phone terminal to provide you with more scientific and intuitive running guidance.

In the process of exercise, Xiaomi Band 9 supports the recording of maximum oxygen uptake, recovery time, exercise effect, maximum load and other professional sports data, so that the user in the process of exercise, all kinds of data at a glance, and the exercise process is more convenient to make adjustments.

V, summary: sleep data can also be interesting $37 in the most dessert, the most professional bracelet

Through the experience, millet bracelet 9 in the continuation of its comprehensive health monitoring function on the basis of the professionalism of sleep more refined further.

With the support of a number of authoritative sleep research institutions, the bracelet not only ensures the accuracy of the sleep data, but also incorporates in-depth sleep interpretation and personalized advice, so that the public can understand the professional guidance to effectively improve sleep problems.

At the same time, in order to avoid the data interpretation is too boring, millet bracelet 9 cleverly introduced the "sleep animals" as an interesting element.

Through seven consecutive nights of sleep monitoring, the bracelet will generate a corresponding animal image based on the user's sleep behavior, so that users can understand their own sleep status in an intuitive and interesting way. This also makes me very curious about what kind of animal I will be, as well as improve sleep habits, the image of the animal is not going to change, it can be said that this unique design inspired the author's curiosity and sense of participation, put on the can't take it off.

In addition, Xiaomi Band 9 will screen the highest brightness of 1200nit, directly comparable to cell phones, even in strong daylight can also clearly display information, for the love of outdoor sports users, this enhancement is very practical.

The upgrade of the linear motor is not ostentatious, but in actual use it can bring delicate and comfortable vibration feedback, whether it is an alarm clock to wake up or a message reminder, it will not be suddenly startled by a sudden vibration, and the experience is directly comparable to that of a high-end smartwatch.

Xiaomi Band 9 has taken into account the economic considerations of users while maintaining innovation and upgrading. The bracelet wristband is compatible with the Xiaomi bracelet 8, and if the user already has a favorite wristband, it can be directly replaced on the new bracelet, greatly reducing the user's additional expenses.

To sum up, Xiaomi Band 9 is not satisfied with the single positioning of the "bucket machine", through the breakthrough itself, to bring the public a more professional, better use of durable Xiaomi Band 9. In the price of $37 or so, it is not only the most dessert, but also the existence of the most able to fight.