As a main gaming phone, Red Magic brings extreme performance output and hardcore exterior design to every product, and these features always make gaming parties shine. This time, the Red Magic 9S Pro+ is the world's first Qualcomm SM8650-AC Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 Leader Edition, with an overall increase in the frequency of the CPU and GPU, and more powerful performance output.

ZTE Nubia RedMagic 9S Pro+ Review

Strong performance, more stable frame rate

Red Magic 9S Pro+ is equipped with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 Leader Edition, the CPU ultra-large core frequency has been increased to 3.4GHz, and the GPU graphics processing frequency has been increased to 1GHz, together with the 24GB+1TB luxury memory combination, I have to say that Red Magic is pulling out all the stops in terms of performance this time.

ZTE Nubia RedMagic 9S Pro+ Review

Without further ado, let's get right to gaming to show off the power of the Qualcomm SM8650-AC Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 Leader Edition. In a room temperature of 25 degrees, the Red Magic 9S Pro+ averaged 120.9 fps for half an hour in the Honor of Kings on the Ultimate Quality + 120 fps setting, minus the frame drops in the middle of the game change. There were no frame drops throughout the game, so the performance is still very good.

ZTE Nubia RedMagic 9S Pro+ Review

In terms of heat dissipation, the Red Magic 9S Pro+ is equipped with the new ICE13.5 Magic Cooling cooling system. We are all familiar with the 10,000-level Ice Stage VC, and this time the focus of the upgrade lies in the heat dissipation material, with the new Frost Cold Gel increasing the efficiency of heat conduction by 20% compared to the previous generation of gel. In the first half hour of King game, the temperature of the front of the machine was 35.2 degrees, and the temperature of the back of the machine was only 34.1 degrees, so there is no obvious heat when playing.

ZTE Nubia RedMagic 9S Pro+ Review

When it came to the more heavily loaded Proto-Gods, the average frame rate was 60.4 fps for a half-hour run through Sumeru City using Yuzu + Night Orchid Twin Winds Resonance with the image quality adjusted to the highest possible level and the frame rate set to 60 fps. From the frame rate table, it is not difficult to see that the performance of the Red Magic 9S Pro+ is still very strong, and the temperature of the machine body is around 40 degrees, compared with the previous generation, there is a good temperature control, and the gaming experience is also more enjoyable.

ZTE Nubia RedMagic 9S Pro+ Review

In terms of battery life, the Red Magic 9S Pro series also brings two different battery life specifications, the Red Magic 9S Pro comes with a large 6500mAh battery + 80W flash charging, while the Red Magic 9S Pro+ comes with a 5500mAh battery + 165W flash charging. The Red Magic 9S Pro+ is equipped with a 5500mAh battery and 165W flash charging. The Red Magic 9S Pro+ can be charged to 39% of its capacity in 5 minutes, 65% in 10 minutes, and 100% in 19 minutes, which means that the 165W flash charging is quite powerful.

ZTE Nubia RedMagic 9S Pro+ Review

AI ability greatly improved, more intelligent gaming experience

Red Magic 9S Pro+ is equipped with the self-developed Red Magic Cube Big Model, which is also the industry's first vertical Big Model for gaming, and improves the gaming experience through the ability to perceive gaming environments and the ability to understand the intent of gaming scenarios.

ZTE Nubia RedMagic 9S Pro+ Review

In addition, Red Magic 9S Pro+ also provides the CUBE performance scheduling engine, which, based on powerful AI scene recognition capabilities, can set exclusive VIP seats for commonly used gaming scenes and allocate more arithmetic power to the gaming process. There is also super resolution, such as "Original God" can be upgraded from the native 720P or 864P to 1674P Ultra HD resolution, with richer picture details.

ZTE Nubia RedMagic 9S Pro+ Review

With AI support, the Red Magic 9S Pro+ adds the Smart Navigator feature, which can be turned on by calling out Game Center. Intelligent navigator can answer questions about the current game, such as in the "King of Glory" can ask questions about hero information, tactics, etc., the game assistant can provide you with answers through the big model, sometimes you are not familiar with the hero of the line of play, the intelligent navigator will be able to help you.

ZTE Nubia RedMagic 9S Pro+ Review

There is also the "Sound Probe" function, which will be very friendly in FPS games like Peace Elite. the AI can automatically identify sound markers on the mini-map and display the sound orientation and loudness type in a prominent position at the top of the screen in a three-dimensional way, so you don't have to glance at the mini-map to see the direction of the sound, allowing you to focus more on the situation at hand.

ZTE Nubia RedMagic 9S Pro+ Review

Not only the game, Red Magic 9S Pro+ of Red Magic Ji in the AI support also upgraded to become a voice interaction intelligent assistant, and Red Magic Ji dialog is no longer a cold robot reply, but a response with Red Magic Ji character. In addition, Red Devil Ji also has the function of accompanying the game, she will not only remind you when there are no bullets, but also customize a variety of black words to make your game more interesting.

ZTE Nubia RedMagic 9S Pro+ Review

The most basic text-to-picture and text-to-text functions Red Magic 9S Pro+ have support, as well as AI Elimination and AI Expansion, all of which can enhance your experience in daily use.

ZTE Nubia RedMagic 9S Pro+ Review

Flat back design, face value is still online

Like its predecessor, the Red Magic 9S Pro+ still features a flat back design, and most of the internal components have been re-customized in order to fit the lens under the 8.9mm body. Not only does this not neuter the imaging configuration, but it also makes the battery bigger and brings more cooling power.

ZTE Nubia RedMagic 9S Pro+ Review

Speaking of imaging, the Red Magic 9S Pro+ is still equipped with a 50-megapixel Samsung GN5 main camera + 50-megapixel Samsung JN1 ultra wide-angle dual-camera setup, with the main camera also supporting OIS optical stabilization for more stable film output. The actual shooting performance is not bad, the color will be rich, more pleasing to the eye.

ZTE Nubia RedMagic 9S Pro+ Review

(Sample photos of the main camera)

ZTE Nubia RedMagic 9S Pro+ Review

(Main Camera Sample)

The color scheme is "Deuterium Front Transparent Silver Wing", which is basically the same as the layout of the previous generation of Red Devil 9 Pro, the "09" on the back has become the pixel style "9S", and the other Red Devil LOGO and Deuterium Front LOGO have moved a little bit to the location of the chip, screws, and other components are still visible, and the overall appearance is also more concise.

ZTE Nubia RedMagic 9S Pro+ Review

On the front of the body, the Red Magic 9S Pro+ is still equipped with a 6.8-inch AMOLED screen, hidden front camera to bring 93.7% screen-to-body ratio. The screen uses BOE's under-screen Q9+ light-emitting material, and the maximum excitation brightness can reach 1600nit, which can also reduce the color cast and bring better display effect.

ZTE Nubia RedMagic 9S Pro+ Review


The Red Magic 9S Pro+ is equipped with the third-generation Snapdragon 8 Leader Edition, which has an overall increase in CPU and GPU frequency, bringing better gaming performance. The industry's rare flat design and a cleaner back compared to the previous generation give the Red Magic 9S Pro+ a hardcore design style.

ZTE Nubia RedMagic 9S Pro+ Review

Whether it's performance output or hardcore design, the Red Magic 9S Pro+ delivers the ultimate gaming experience, and the addition of AI provides a wealth of new ways to play games, as well as a variety of features such as AI Elimination, which is great for everyday use. If you want a phone that combines extreme performance and daily use, the Red Magic 9S Pro+ will be a new choice for you.